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Straat museum graffiti and street art Amsterdam

Press and media

Free access for journalists in print, tv, radio, as well as photographers is only available via application through You will receive a confirmation via email. Please apply no later than two days in advance. Our STRAAT reception staff cannot grant you free access. Please submit the following information in your email:

  • Contact information (name, address and phone number)
  • Name of organization
  • Date of visit
  • Purpose of visit
  • Copy valid press pass

For PR purposes, imagery and collaborative proposals please email us at We can be reached by phone via 0031 20 370 9630.

Latest press releases

STRAAT Museum Offers a Unique Insight into the Artistic Journey of South African Street Artist Faith XLVII and Her Family

STRAAT Museum Offers a Fresh Perspective on Graffiti in Ambitious Exhibition

Traveling Exhibition “Seth se la Joue” by French Street Artist SETH at STRAAT Museum

Dutch and Spanish Kings To Open DUO Exhibition at STRAAT Museum

STRAAT Museum Records Almost 200,000 Visitors in 2023

Gigantic flamingo at STRAAT Museum draws attention to climate change

Giant flamingo installation by street artist and 'artivist' Dulk heading to STRAAT Museum

The new Shepard Fairey mural 'Raise the Level' is a message of hope

Internationally influential street artist and activist Shepard Fairey guest of honor at STRAAT

Street art legend Lady Aiko creates artwork in STRAAT Museum

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